Wednesday, August 29, 2007

"year 1 studio project" season finale

my, how time really flies aye.

in the blink of an eye, its almost vivid can i still remember my first day in nanyang poly. the shy and nerdy guy i was...who didn't took the initiative to talk to the many people around me. how i regret it now, who still hasn't built the bond between my very own classmates whom i see every single day. :(

well, time does flies indeed. tmrw is the day i am gonna present my end-of-sem project to my "clients", who are, of course, our very own teachers. finally after 3 weeks of hard work, our game is done! after tmrw, i would not be disturbed anymore by annoying teachers or endless assignments. for a month or so, at the very least...

yesterday when we met our supervisor, i realised how little work i've done. not that i am not putting in enough effort, but the amount of work available to me was so much less than the workload of my other team-mates. maybe it was because of the little knowledge i have about programming...maybe it was because of the capabilities of my more inclined team-mates...

saw some of the other teams' games at the computer lab yesterday. what could i say? i'm indeed impressed. compared to our game, theirs are far more complicated. indeed we have put in alot of effort into this particular assignment, probably some of us, even our heart and soul...but the entertainment industry doesn't look at our efforts, instead they look at our talents.

i would dare to say perhaps i'm pretty creative, although ideas do tend to run out. maybe that's the talent God has placed in me. but having creativity alone and lacking the hard work would not result in much achievement as well. how many assignments have i owed my teachers? how many times have i not fulfilled their datelines?

most probably i would retake my first sem again next year. although i know that failing every single module is not a possibility, i believe my passion demands more of my effort. i want to get my fundamentals straight and i hope history would not yet again repeat itself.

i've been wanting to organise an outing with my class but yet i have no faith. looking at the situation right now, most probably they'd turn me down. i really hope that we can not just get along well with each other, but have a strong sense of team spirit between us. well it does take 2 hands to clap...

how challenging it is to be in this industry...not the carefree and easy life i once thought. yes, indeed we all know that the nice computer graphics we see in the action packed movies we see or even the powerful game engine in our all time favourite computer games come from months or even years of hard work...but to actually experience doing it yourself, it is a different story.

it demands more than just large amounts of time. it is the passion within the makers that keeps them going for years to accomplish what they had imagined, something visually created in their minds into visually captivating and breathtaking scenes for all to see. that's what inspired me, to share your ideas in the most creative way man has ever known...


Evangeline said...

Yu Jie! I'm Shi Min/Evangeline, Can link me at Thanks!

Carrisa Yap said...

Hey Yu Jie,You need to get back on track.I'll keep you in prayers,pray that God'll open a studying opportunity for you!Jia you..keep on believing!