Wednesday, August 22, 2007

we can choose to see the problems in our lives or the visions of God

ok i'm so tired i can fall asleep anytime now...

just came back from prayer meeting...pst Kong emphaised this verse: not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the LORD Almighty.(zechariah 4:6) in case its not idiot-proof, it simply meant that we cannot depend on our own strength, but with Him, all things are possible.

the korean delicates were fantasitc, the singer(sorry i can't really rmb the korean names) was marvellous, thankfully there weren't any windows at expo,(praise the Lord) or it would have been raining glass. her pitch was like sooo high lah and her voice was probably about 10000000Hz. weapon of mass destruction. =.=

dr joshua preached a really good word, although half the time i was trying to understand his "korean english" on one part and resisting the humor and at how he pronunces some words on the other. i really respect him, as with the many other pastors that came with him from Yoido Full Gospel Church. we're like so honoured to have leaders from the world's largest church with us.

before prayer meeting, i was at weihao's place to do our end-of-sem project, along with the other group members. was there since 11am and left around 6.30pm for prayer meeting. never had i spent so much time programming before. but hey, i realised that it's kinda enjoyable if you do it together as a team...although we still get all kinds of errors, we have each other to help ourselves out. :D the feeling of your program eventually working(after all that hard work coding it and debugging it...) really gives you a kind of satisfaction.

alright its late now, i think i should be more merciful to my can collapse any moment now...

tata :D

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